
Call me a heartless bastard ....

... but I really don't care that Barbaro's on the way to the glue/dogfood/piano wire factory.


He's a horse. Well, he was a horse. A big, fly-drawing, grass eating, genetically altered outdated transportation device / plowhorse ... who had millions spent on his medical care in the last eight months.

Meanwhile, back here in the land of people, we have millions who can't get their needed prescriptions or basic medical care care because they can't afford the costs.

And this horse was getting top-notch state-of-the-art care.

Yeah. That's why I don't care. At all.

If you care ... you can go here and send a message to Barbaro's team. I sent this (which probably won't be posted):

"I wish I had a dog so I could buy him the alpo you've become. Spend money to help people walk again, not horses."

There are pages of get-well wishes posted back before he was turned to glue. The best part: apparently, these messages were shared with Barbaro.

Um, color me confused, but HE'S A FUCKING HORSE.

People - Mr. Ed was a TV show - horses don't really talk. The Horse Whisperer may have thought he could talk to horses, but John Edward thinks he talks to the dead.

Scanning the quotes - it's a bunch of old women - the same types who hoard cats and won't give a homeless guy a dollar - talking about how numb they feel about a horse dying.

So I'm doubtful horses can understand our get well wishes.

But it gets better. Or worse.

There was a post from a couple who, after hearing the news, "walked down to our stables and told our horses of your passing. They were devastated."

I'd sell my left nut to see that. Christ on a pony, as Allison used to say.

No wonder we're so fucked as a race of people.

Anyway ... let's see why this "prestigious" example of equestrian breeding ... like many of his peers ... broke his leg and had to be "put down" humanly.

Hmmm ... a large horse - and racehorses are bred to be large - can weigh anywhere from 1,000 to 1,600 pounds.

The lower half of horses legs are about the same size as human legs - their ankles are about the same size as yours and mine.

And when a racehorse runs at a full gallop each foot supports the horse's weight with each stride - in Barbaro's case that's 1,200 pounds, per foot, per step.

On ankles the size of a average human.

"They're designed for speed, not necessarily to be ill and recover well," said Kimberly May, a veterinary surgeon and spokeswoman for the American Veterinary Medical Association.

And what prompted Barbao's death?


What is that? Let's again ask the vet.

It's a painful inflammation that causes separation of the hoof, has long affected racing horses. References to it can be found in books on lameness from the 1800s, May said. Barbaro's laminitis developed from uneven weight distribution.

Hmmm ... like putting 1,200 pounds on a hoof at full gallop.

Go figure the odds of that.

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