So, welcome to Day 2 of the Live Blog from the Andyman-A-Thon at CD101 to benefit the CD101 For The Kids foundation. Listen live at ... and donate if you can! Follow my Flickr stream
09:30 ... the Shamrock Club Pipes and Drums are supposed to be playing on the air. They are playing, warming up, tuning up, practicing ... but the soundman is nowhere to be found. Such is life at the Andyman-A-Thon, I'm learning. Things happen. As our friends in the Marines say, adapt and overcome. Andy and Josh lay the cables, hook up the mics and BAM! It's on.
09:45 ... there's NOTHING like being a room with eight bagpipers and two Irish drummers. That will wake up anyone. The original bagpipes were made from the skins of animals; and used as far back as the middle ages. All I know is they're loud, wonderful to listen to, and a force to the ears.

10:30 ... The Dammits are up next, and damn, that Bob Dammit is a hell of a nice guy, and his band rocks!
10:53 ... The Dammits are sound checking. Damn Ric has a HUGE kit.
11:05 ... The Dammits are rocking the Big Room. These guys are playing tonight at the Ravari Room ... go check them out. Great guys, lots of fun.

11:55 ... Delyn Christian is up next! Delyn cancelled ... he's not feeling well. Bummer.
12:25 ... The auction for the guitar autographed by Jet ended at $225. Sweet. Stay tuned for other auctions throughout the day. Listen live at or 101.1 on your FM dial if you'rel local to Columbus!
12:30 ... Nuclear Children are up at 2 p.m.; there's an auction for some Columbus Crew stuff.
13:00 ... The Dammits just requested "Rocky Mountain Way." And Andyman has it cranking in the studio. Sweet.
13:05 ... Being a music nerd like I am ... walking around this radio station taking in all the stuff on the walls, the photos, autographs, promotional pieces ... it's amazing. There's so much history and pop culture here it's fascinating. I'll try to get some photos while we're between bands.
Click the photo, then click view original and check out the autographs on this guitar. REM, the Rembrandts, the Stray Cats,

13:15 ... I have no idea what you're doing this afternoon, but you should tune in and give some cash ... if for nothing else than the killer collection of Columbus rock that's happening this afternoon: 2 p.m. - Nuclear Children; 3:00 p.m. - X-Rated Cowboys; 4:00 p.m. - The Receiver; 5:00 p.m. - Blasphemy Saints; 6:30 - Willie Phoenix.
That SCREAMS Columbus local music!
16:45 ... catching up from a hectic afternoon as photos from The Receiver upload to Flickr ... Nuclear Children ... loud, fun, very promising band that rocked the big room muchly led way to everyone's favorite drinking band with a bar problem ... The X-Rated Cowboys. Despite not playing live for nearly a year, they nailed $100 Guitar, which Tenacious D's Kyle liked so much he asked lead singer Quinn Fallon for a CD. Quinn found one in the car and Kyle was happy (yes, he's here hanging out!)

X-Rated Cowboys also played "Drinking For Two" ... with Blue interchanged for Two due to some structural damage to the entity known as Big Blue (no, not IBM!). Mark Nye did the required chug of beer; and they ended with "Low Self Esteem" to a great ovation.

The Receiver was next and featured our first full house in the Big Room, complete with another row of folks on the floor. Jesse and Casey delivered, as usual, with a rocking, stellar performance featuring three new songs from their upcoming album that should be out in February or March, according to Jesse.

Blasphemy Saints are next. Stay tuned!
17:05 ... Change of plans. Turns out we have a special guest in the studio ... the band's name is C-Bus ... the band formely known as Tenacious Me, featuring Kyle Gass of Tenacious D on guitar, John Spiker of Filter on bass, Erin Robinson on vocals and Doug Wells on drums ... a cover of "Go Ask Alice" was followed by another classic and then the highlight of the night ... "C-Bus Christmas" ... which was written on the fly and celebrated all things Columbus ... "Eat some buckeyes / Watch them Buckeyes" ... the band shortly left to head to a studio to record it. True Story!

15:58 ... Blasphemy Saints are warming up and it's gonna be something special. OH, hell yeah. Opening with "Mr Heat Mizer / Mr. Freeze Meiser" double-shot, then "All I Want For Christmas Is You" ... and ended with a unique cover of Purple Rain to promote the Hair Metal Cover Night that's happening across town to raise money for the Andyman-A-Thon!

19:14 ... It's Willie Phoenix time. Once he gets the pedal situation figured out ... we're rocking with the love and joy that is the Willie Phoenix Band! Joyous.

20:05 ... Still to come ... Brundlefly at 8:00 and Wing and Tusk at 9:30 ... and Colin Gawel of Watershed at midnight ... with another edition of "Stump the Colin" ... oh yeah!
20:27 ... Brundlefly ... wow. That's a band for those drivin' on by with the boomin' systems. Two drummers, bassist, keyboards and an MC! Interesting synth-metal-rap mixture there!

21:13 ... Wing and Tusk is setting up ... looks to be intersting! Sound check sounds incredible!
21:56 ... Wing and Tusk is amazing. Wow. WOW. They're finishing up their first full-length record and it should be available in March ... it's on my must-get based on the three songs they played tonight.