
No, I don't have a big head.

Just a big brain.

See, not only am I a geek,
I'm a certified geek.

That's right ... with my looming job loss (when? Who really knows. Could be the end of May now, could be the end of June, could be the end of the year, but I'm not gonna wait and wonder, because I'm a proactive mofo) I decided to put my education and experience on paper in the form of IT Certifications, because there isn't a job listing out there that doesn't want them and those damn OCR resume scanners that everyone uses these days just scan what's on a resume and look for keywords, not analyze the resume for experience, of which I have a lot.
So in the past three weeks I've passed three tests and am in training this week for a fourth. Training paid for by the company I work for now ... again, for who knows how long in the future, but hey, they're paying for the training, so I'm taking it! And through my own work prior to this week's training, the month of April has been berry berry good to me:

I'm now
A-Plus Certified on hardware and operating systems.

I'm now
Network-Plus Certified (Network Support and Administration).
By the end of the week I'll be Server Plus Certified ... Server technology and hardware. After that, I turn to the wonderful world that is Microsoft and maybe onto Cisco as well, because as I'm learning, you can never have too many certifications.

So far I've learned that ExamCram2 books SUCK and aren't worth the cash, even used; and Michael Meyers is a genius, and the Passport and All-In-One books are worth the money.
Annnnnnnnnnnnd ... I start back to school tonight and I WILL finish my Bachelor's Degree. Really.

So it's not my head that's getting bigger. It's just my brain.

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